Lentil Meatless Balls

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I love making these for the week and having them on salads, sandwiches, pasta or veggie noodles. Their texture is comforting, satisfying and these feel easy on my body to digest. Lentils are filled with lots of iron and when paired with a whole grain they are a complete protein for the body to digest.


  • 2 cups cooked lentils ( about 1 and 1/4 cup dried lentils)

  • 1 cup oat flour/almond flour/ bread crumbs (if you aren’t gf)

  • 1 tablespoon dried basil

  • 1 teaspoon oregano

  • 1 tablespoon Bragg Liquid Aminos (or soy sauce)

  • 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar

  • 1 medium onion

  • 4 garlic cloves


  1. Preheat Oven to 400f. 

  2. Chop and sauté two garlic cloves and half an onion in a pan with olive oil until translucent.

  3. In a food processor combine almond flour, lentils, spices, cooked onion, raw onion, 2 raw garlic cloves, soy sauce and red wine vinegar. Blend until the mixture is fully processed. Add salt and pepper to taste. 

  4. Spray a cookie sheet with non-stick oil. Make lentil “meat balls” about 1.5 inches big and place on the cookie sheet.

  5. Bake in the oven for 35 minutes. Take lentil-meatballs out half way to flip so that each side becomes golden brown.