Reflection Prompts: Managing Strong Emotions

Centered in the City Pilot.png

Answer all or one of the prompts below. See where your mind and heart will take you if you let yourself write without a filter. Try to keep your hands moving the whole time. It doesn't matter if you miss spell words or create a sentence that doesn't make sense. Give yourself permission to find your breath, find freedom and awakening in your reflection.

  1. What emotions are you feeling in this moment?

  2. What sensations are present in the body?

  3. What happens when you observe your emotions from a birds-eye view? What can you see from this different angle?

  4. Emotions are meant to be in-motion. What image comes to mind to support you feeling fluidity with your current emotions? What does this image feel like in your body?

  5. What is this emotion teaching you?

  6. What happens when you gentle hold this emotion with compassion and curiosity?