Reflection Prompts: Connecting to Your Wise Self

All of us have a wiser inner self that knows our truth. Some people might know this voice as intuition, a “gut-feeling” or what true authenticity feels and sounds like. Maybe you have personally felt the connection to this voice/feeling before, maybe you know she is in there but haven’t connected to her much or maybe you have a relationship some where on the spectrum.

Explore all or one of the prompts below in your journal to support you building a relationship to her. See where your mind and heart will take you if you let yourself write without a filter. Try to keep your hands moving the whole time. It doesn't matter if you miss spell words or create a sentence that doesn't make sense. Give yourself permission to find your breath, find freedom and awakening in your reflection.

  1. When was the last time you made a big decision in your life and knew exactly what to do (even if there was doubt) because you had some sort of gut feeling or inner knowing? Describe this feeling and experience in detail.

    a. How did you “know” what to do?

    b. What did that voice say? What did that knowing feel like in your physical body?

  2. If you slowed down to listen to that voice/knowing more often, what do you think she’d say?

  3. What prevents you from listening and paying attention to her?

  4. What ways do you practice listening to her?

  5. Name and describe a time you felt that inner knowing, yet ignored the wisdom she shared. What happened? What did you learn from that experience?

  6. If you have never felt that inner voice before, tune into yourself in this very moment. Take a few deep breaths. What do you imagine this voice would say in this moment? (Trust your instincts).