Reflection Prompts: Mid-Year Check-in

We are half-way through the year, can you believe it!? This is a great time to slow down and check-in with yourself to hear and feel where you, what you are learning and what you want to adjust.

Answer all or one of the prompts below. See where your mind and heart will take you if you let yourself write without a filter. Try to keep your hands moving the whole time. It doesn't matter if you miss spell words or create a sentence that doesn't make sense. Give yourself permission to find your breath, find freedom and awakening in your reflection.

  1. What have you learned so far from this past year that has worked well about prioritizing your well-being and goals? What hasn’t worked well? What do you notice you are avoiding?

  2. Did you choose a theme, Power Intention or word of the year to help guide you? If so, what ways do you want to celebrate yourself for living in alignment to the intention?

  3. Image yourself at the end of this year, reflecting back on the last 6 months, what words of wisdom would your future self gift you?

  4. If you get quiet in this moment and listen to your heart, what is it calling for? What are you avoiding?

  5. What tiny tweaks do you want to adjust for your lifestyle, if anything?

  6. What are you willing to say no to so that you can say yes to?

  7. If this________ was experienced this year, you would be beyond elated! Give us much detail to this situation as possible.