Reflection Prompts: Summer Vibes

Each season offers us a chance to pause and reflect. These prompts are designed to support you anchoring into your summer mindset so that you can feel more connected to how you want to feel and be.

Answer all or one of the prompts below. See where your mind and heart will take you if you let yourself write without a filter. Try to keep your hands moving the whole time. It doesn't matter if you miss spell words or create a sentence that doesn't make sense. Give yourself permission to find your breath, find freedom and awakening in your reflection.

Feel free to share any of your takeaways in the comments below.

  1. How do you want to feel this summer? (List as many descriptors that authentically come to your heart and mind.)

  2. How do you want to be in your body this summer?

  3. What summer flavors do you want to enjoy?

  4. What about the summer rhythm lights you up?

  5. What about the summer rhythm drains you?

  6. Based on your past summer experiences, how do you want to approach this summer differently? (ie. your calendar, activities you prioritize, people you see etc)

  7. Image you are having a conversation with your future self. What wisdom would your future self tell you, in this moment, to be mindful about?

  8. If you created a mantra for yourself this summer, what would it be and why?