Reflection Prompts: Rest, Renewal, Recovery

Answer all or one of the prompts below. See where your mind and heart will take you if you let yourself write without a filter. Try to keep your hands moving the whole time. It doesn't matter if you miss spell words or create a sentence that doesn't make sense. Give yourself permission to find your breath, find freedom and awakening in your reflection.

  1. What is your relationship to rest/recovery/renewal? What are the common beliefs you hold about these words/actions?

  2. When do you typically feel your most “rested”? What does that feel like mentally, emotionally, physically, soulfully?

  3. What signals or sensations does your body give you to let you know you need rest?

  4. What typically prevents you from getting rest or making it a priority? What do you want to do about it?

  5. When is rest skillful? When is rest unskillful?

  6. What would it look like to make rest a more intentional part of your life?

Feel free to share your thoughts/takeaways/action steps in the comments below. Let’s inspire and learn from each other!