Reflection Prompts: Letting Go

Explore one or all of these journal prompts. Allow your journaling practice to be judgment free. Let go of any ideas of how this practice “should” look and give yourself permission to free write. Keep you pen to paper moving and let your inner wisdom come through.

  1. What’s your relationship to letting go?

  2. When was the last time you let go of a relationship, behavior pattern, physical item, job, expectation etc? What did that feel like?

  3. What limiting beliefs, stories, emotions, patterns are no longer serving you in this moment? What would it feel like to release them from your mind/heart and body? What would you feel if you lived life without them?

  4. What physical items in your life are you ready to let go of to support you creating more space? (Think of what’s in your closets, cars or cabinets)

  5. When you tune into your higher self, what does she know you need to let go of in order to grow closer to your authentic higher self?