Reflection Prompts: Communication

Explore one or all of these journal prompts. Allow your journaling practice to be judgment free. Let go of any ideas of how this practice “should” look and give yourself permission to free write. Keep you pen to paper moving and let your inner wisdom come through.

  1. In general, how direct or indirect of a communicator are you? What’s the impact of your communication style? (think about your personal and professional life).
    (ie. Direct meaning= verbal messages reveal the speaker’s true intentions, needs, wants, and desires. The focus is on accomplishing a task. The message is clear, and to the point without hidden intentions or implied meanings. The communication tends to be impersonal. Conflict is discussed openly and people say what they think.
    Indirect meaning= communication is often designed to hide or minimize the speaker’s true intentions, needs, wants, and desires. Communication tends to be personal and focuses on the relationship between the speakers. The language may be subtle, and the speaker may be looking for a “softer” way to communicate there is a problem by providing many contextual cues).

  2. What feels difficult about communicating your true wants/desires/needs? What feels easeful about communicating your true wants/desires/needs?

  3. When you are stressed, what part of you is communicating? When you feel your best, what part of you is communicating?

  4. What do you want to acknowledge yourself for about your communication style?

  5. Is there anything you want to change or work on in regards to how you communicate? If so, what is it and why?

  6. How do you communicate to yourself? What’s the tone or language you hear most often?