Reflection Prompts: Explore Your Intuition

Explore one or all of these journal prompts. Allow your journaling practice to be judgment free. Let go of any ideas of how this practice “should” look and give yourself permission to free write. Keep you pen to paper moving and let your inner wisdom come through.

Part of tapping into your intuition is building trust that you already have all of the wisdom inside of you. Take a few deep breaths and get into your heart and body.

  1. Ask the universe, what do I need to know right now? Pause to sense. Write down what you feel, see, hear, smell, and taste. What is this sensation here to teach me?

  2. What ways do you connect to your intuition and how do you know? (ie. do you get your intuition from thoughts, physical sensations, images, emotions, colors, voices, dreams).

  3. When is the last time you connected with your intuition? How do you know?

  4. In general, what helps you connect to your intuition?

  5. What was the last time you ignored your intuition? How do you know? What did you learn about yourself from this experience?