Begin Again

reconnect and recommit to yourself


Let’s do this!

Starting and staying consistent with a practice can be challenging in our modern day world. But we know that when we fall off or away from our practices, we can always begin again. We can drop the guilt and shame that doesn’t serve us. Instead, we get to take charge of our time, attention and energy by recommitting to practices that make us feel centered so that we can feel more present, confident and empowered.

Remember, the name of the game is to practice, not be perfect.

Want to recommit to a Meditation Practice?

Remind yourself to meet yourself where you are. Not where you were last week, a year ago or where you want to be. Bring yourself to the present moment. You can always begin again when your attention wanders.

Want to recommit to a Mindful Movement Practice?

Don’t wait for motivation to move your body. Instead make movement a conscious choice and notice how good you feel when you get yourself on the mat. 15 minutes or less can make the biggest difference in your energy and mood.

Bonus: Get yourself outside for a 15 minute walk at least once a day.

Want to recommit to a Mindful Eating and Cooking practice?

Nourishing yourself gets to be an intentional practice that honors your body and your energy levels. To get back into the kitchen, start with a recipe that excites you. Use this time in the kitchen as moments of love and health you get to offer yourself.

Want to recommit to a journaling Practice?

Grab your journal and set a timer for 15 minutes. Let yourself write whatever you want to express with no filters. Let a prompt get you going with writing and then let your mind flow wherever it wants to go. Notice how good it feels to let it out.