batch 3

Meet Yourself Where You Are: Full Body Flow

Mindful movement isn’t just a practice to power through. Instead, it is an opportunity to meet yourself where you are in each moment. To bring curiosity and kindness to what is present for you. For instance, getting myself on the mat for this mindful movement flow took a lot of strength. I was feeling tired and my mind was resisting making time to move because I thought: “I don’t need this right now. Movement won’t make me feel better.” However, I know that mental thought loop to be false. And I know sometimes my emotions can cloud my thinking and ability to see clearly.

Instead of distracting myself with those unhelpful thoughts, I reminded myself, “I never regret adding movement into my day.” I showed up and got to practice accepting myself just as I am—not judging myself for being tired or feeling “off.”

When you step on to your mat, you are giving yourself the gift of paying attention. You bring your attention to your breath and to your feet. Wherever the body is, is the present moment. When you listen to your body and get out of the stories of the mind. You come back to the present moment and can move with more intention.

So the next time you feel “blah,” remind yourself you are not alone. We all go through those moments (especially as women when we are on our cycles). Mindful movement helps us meet ourselves where we are. We get to stay curious. Not shaming our bodies for what it can and cannot do. Our body might feel different each day.

Enjoy this energizing 33-minute full body flow that works on balance, strength and curiosity.


  • Mat

Always consult your physician or health care specialist before performing any of the exercises in this program, and obtain specific approval before performing any of the exercises in this program if you have any chronic or recurring physical conditions, and/or if you are pregnant, postnatal, nursing, or elderly. The instruction presented herein is in no way intended as a substitute for medical advice or counseling.

Slow, Strong & Long Flow


We slow down the mind and body during this full body 25-minute flow. These mindful movements are designed to challenge our strength while creating length and space.


  • Mat

  • Light weights for arms ~1-3 lb (optional)

  • Ankle weights ~1 lb (optional)

Always consult your physician or health care specialist before performing any of the exercises in this program, and obtain specific approval before performing any of the exercises in this program if you have any chronic or recurring physical conditions, and/or if you are pregnant, postnatal, nursing, or elderly. The instruction presented herein is in no way intended as a substitute for medical advice or counseling.